Results of the VII annual competition of the ROSOMED society " Domestic innovations in simulation education»
17 October 2020

The Russian society for simulation education in medicine annually holds a competition for the best domestic development in the field of simulation training in medicine. At this year, 9 applications were selected for the competition by a general vote during the International conference " Simulation training in medicine: experience, development, innovation. ROSOMED-2020 " winners were determined:
- First place: a uterine Simulator for training the skills of performing surgery for placenta accreta and surgical hemostasis for postpartum bleeding. Institution: Fsbi "research Institute IV the Ministry of foreign Affairs to them. V. N. Gorodkov". Authors: Panova I. A., Rokotyanskaya E. A., Sytova L. A., Malyshkina A. I.
- Second place: the game-manual "Night shift". Institution: multiprofile accreditation and simulation center of Kursk state medical University. The author and project Manager is an anesthesiologist-resuscitator Gaponov A. Yu.
- Third place: educational game platform for surgery "Nexus Evolution". North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk Medical Institute, Department of postgraduate education. Developer: Neustroev, P. A.